HSC has a legal, regulatory, corporate and ethical duty to protect and maintain the security and integrity of personal information for those we are responsible for. The data stored and processed within any HSC information system, including encompass, is subject to key legislation, regulations, policies and guidelines, which ensure a consistent and high standard of information security across HSCNI.
The system will only be accessible over the HSC secure network, and patient data can be accessed only by the authorised staff who need to see it to support your care. We are working with leading technology companies who have implemented electronic patient systems globally to minimise risk and to safeguard the system.
The encompass Programme has a robust system of governance in place with the customary programme management infrastructure in line with DHSCNI standards. Oversight is provided by the encompass Programme Board chaired by the SRO for the Programme Dr Dermot Hughes. This in turn reports to the Digital Health and Care NI Programme at the Department of Health.