The Trust’s Media Office is the first point of contact for all media enquiries, including filming, photography and interview requests. We will try to facilitate media requests, whilst respecting our patients confidentiality.
Media Enquiries
The Media Office can be contacted by emailing (Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.30pm).
Out of Hours
If you have an urgent media query outside working hours, at week-ends or bank holidays, please contact the on-call Press Officer on (07713) 680 267. The out of hours service is for emergency contact only as we are unable to access a full spectrum of information at these times.
Photography Policy
All requests for camera use from media, patients, visitors, hospital staff (for non-treatment or educational purposes), or volunteers must be approved by a member of Internal Communications staff before any filming is done or photography taken, including photos taken with camera phones.
Condition Checks
We cannot provide condition checks due to patient confidentiality.
Patient Confidentiality
All our patients have a right to confidentiality, and the South Eastern HSC Trust supports this. If you wish to film or take photographs in any of our hospitals or Trust properties, you must obtain permission from the Media Office.
Media Guidelines
The Trust endorses the guidelines for reporting suicide drawn up by the Samaritans, Media guidelines on reporting suicide and the guidance written by journalists and child care professionals for issues involving child protection Guidance for Media Reporting on Child Abuse and Neglect.
The Media Office is based at:
Top FloorHome 5
Ulster Hospital
BT16 1RH
The Media Office can be contacted by (Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm).