Bangor Community Hospital


Bangor Community Hospital provides a comprehensive range of health, social and primary care services, including  an Outpatients Department and a Therapy & Rehabilitation Centre.

Bangor Hospital Minor Injury Unit is PERMANENTLY CLOSED. For more information on urgent or emergency care services click here.

Other services include Continence, Sexual Health, Family Planning, Audiology and Community Stroke Rehabilitation.

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  • Contact Numbers

    Audiology: (028) 9056 1307
    Chiropody: (028) 9147 5137
    Continence Service: (028) 9145 0952
    CRUSE: (028) 9127 2444
    Early Years Team: (028) 4451 3807
    Family Planning: (028) 9145 4186
    Fostering & Adoption: (028) 9127 0672
    Outpatients, Castle St: (028) 9147 5100
    Physiotherapy: (028) 9147 5113
    Stroke Team: (028) 9146 2690
    X Ray: (028) 9147 5114
    Lymphoedema Service: (028 ) 9263 3737

Bangor Hospital