Work Experience

A Work Experience Placement is defined as for a young person who is at school and is 16-19 years old, or a student in Further Education/Training working towards a Level 2/3 qualification.

At its broadest, work experience can open students’ eyes to jobs they may never have thought of, and help inform career decision making. The South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust (known as the Trust) works with local schools and colleges to provide work experience placements for young people so they gain knowledge and understanding of the world of Health & Social Care, while raising awareness of the diverse range of roles and career paths.

Students get a taste of work culture, job roles and the day-to-day operations within Health & Social Care, enabling them to make informed decisions on whether a particular job role or a career aligns with their interest. By helping students explore the depths of their interests and abilities, work experience can assist them to draw a comparison between the skills they possess, those essential for a specific career area and related academic/educational requirements.

Placements include: Medical, Nursing & Midwifery, Allied Health Professionals (including: Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Radiography) Labs, Bio-Medical Science, Administration, Pathology, ICT, Community Care, Disability and Social Work.

To support schools and colleges, the Trust works in partnership with Work Inspiration (BITC) who co-ordinate student requests on our behalf. Click here for more information.

Further information on can be found on the Work Inspiration website by clicking here.

Contact: Work Inspiration – Business in the Community

Telephone:  (028) 9045 1444
