Frequently Asked Questions
What do you mean by work experience?
A Work Experience Placement is defined as for a student at school (16-19 years old), or a student in Further Education/Training working towards a Level 2/3 qualification. It provides students with an experience of work to help build their understanding about a job role, a career sector and an organisation, while broadening their knowledge of work environments so they can evaluate their career options and inform their educational choices.
Is there a minimum age to be able to attend work experience?
The minimum age for work experience at the Trust is 16 years old.
How can I apply for work experience?
Students interested in a work experience placement at the Trust must discuss their expression of interest with their school/college Careers Teacher/Advisor. Following a careers discussion, and on behalf of the student, the Careers Teacher/Advisor should submit a formal referral to the Work Inspiration Programme (Work Inspiration NI), who works in partnership with the Trust to process placement requests.
School/College Careers Teachers/Advisors make student selection dependent on a variety of criterion, including the student’s chosen education subjects, academic performance, career options, and number of places allocated by Work Inspiration. It is important that any work experience the Trust provides forms part of a career planning process so you are matched to the most appropriate work experience opportunity.
For the purpose of equity, the Trust supports only one system for placement requests – there is no direct route into the Trust through family or friends.
How many days work experience can I get?
Our work experience is typically for 1 to 2 days depending on the type. We receive a large number of requests for work experience each year and aim to fulfil as many requests as we can; therefore, we need to limit the number of days we can offer to each student.
Can I apply for more than one placement at a time?
No, due to the high demand for places, we can only offer one space to an applicant at any time.
The Trust receives a large number of requests for work experience each year. We aim to facilitate as many requests as we can; however, demand can be high in some areas and at certain times meaning that places are limited and can change at short notice due to unforeseen workforce/clinical demands.
Are there set weeks I can apply for?
Departments will specify which dates are available on their work experience advertisement, which is promoted on the Work Inspiration NI noticeboard. Where possible, departments will schedule work experience at appropriate times, mindful of school/college curriculum/term-time commitments.
If I speak to my careers teacher today, can I do the work experience next week?
No, you will only attend work experience on the dates given, as described by the host department in their advertisement.
What is the dress code for work experience?
Students should ensure they are appropriately dressed for a professional workplace: Smart, casual appropriate clothes, and school pupils can come straight from school in their school uniform.
In particular, we have a strict dress code for nursing placements to promote effective infection control and to enable staff and visitors to identify students on placement. Guidance on dress code and other important information about your work experience placement will be provided to you before you are due to attend.
What happens if I am unwell or unable to attend work experience?
Please do not attend work experience if you are unwell or a close contact of someone who has symptoms or tested positive for an infectious illness. Please contact your careers teacher and/or Work Inspiration to advise that you will not be attending work experience. If appropriate, we will attempt to re-arrange your work experience but cannot guarantee that we can provide you with another opportunity
Can I register to volunteer as well?
Yes, volunteering is another great way to build experience and confidence in a workplace. The Trust has many volunteer roles that will help you learn more about patient care and working in a healthcare setting.
Please visit Volunteering for more information if you are interested in volunteering with the Trust.