Critical and Intensive Care

The Trust provides Critical Care and High Dependency Services in the Ulster Hospital. It is for the treatment of very seriously ill patients who require closer nursing and medical attention and more specialised equipment than is available in the general wards.

The Critical Care Unit is based on the 2nd floor of the Critical Care Complex opposite the terrace car park.

The unit has:

  • Intensive care beds (level 3)
  • High dependency beds (level 2)
  • Provides adult general intensive care and high dependency services
  • Regional specialties include Plastic and Maxillo-Facial services

Critical Care Outreach Service provides a link between Intensive Care and the general wards, providing support to patients following discharge from Critical Care.

  • Contacting and Visiting Critical Care

    Contact the unit on Tel: (028) 9041 1456

    Relatives may phone at any time but convenient times are:

    8.00am – 8.30am
    11.00am – 11.30am
    10.00pm – 10.30pm

    Visiting Times:


    18:00- 19.45

    Usually children under 16 are not allowed to visit unless under special circumstances at the discretion of the Ward Manager or Nurse in Charge. Entrance to the Critical Care Unit is accessed via buzzer system.

    Relative’s accommodation is available within the unit for relatives of critically ill patients.

  • Critical Care Outreach Team

    The Critical Care Outreach Team (CCOT)  is a nurse – led service of senior critical care nurses who work with staff on the wards to ensure the early detection of deteriorating patients .

    The team provides support, advice and assistance to ward staff caring for ill and deteriorating patients in order to prevent admission or readmission to the Critical Care Unit. The team also assists with the transfer of patients from the wards to Critical Care when required.

    Follow up visits to patients transferred from Critical Care to the ward ensures ongoing support and care during recovery from serious illness.

    The team provides education and support for ward staff, sharing the skills required to care for acutely unwell or deteriorating patients at ward level.

    The Critical Care Outreach Team is based at the Ulster site on the 3rd floor of the Critical Care Complex.

    Telephone: (028) 9041 1466  or  (028) 9041 1467

Patient in Intensive Care Unit

Contact Details

Intensive Care Unit

Ulster Hospital
Upper Newtownards Road
BT16 1RH

Call us(028) 9041 1456