Neuro Café Event in Downpatrick a Resounding Success

6th February 2024
Neuro Café

The South Eastern Regional College (SERC) in Downpatrick was the venue for a highly successful ‘Neuro Café’ pilot, organised by the Down Multi-Disciplinary Team within the South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust, in partnership with a range of community organisations, including The Cedar Foundation, ADHD Hub Newcastle, Community Advice, Clanrye, Downpatrick Autism Family Support Group and the Carers Support Service amongst others.

Drawing an impressive turnout of around 100 parents and carers, the event showcased the collaborative efforts of the community, featuring 15 stallholders from diverse services. The Neuro Café provided support and resources for parents and carers and featured an insightful self-compassion workshop hosted by Ed Sipler. Those who attended were able to engage in an interactive session that focused on fostering a compassionate mind set for the challenges they face.

Responding to suggestions from parents and carers, Noelle Hollywood led a brief but impactful session on sleep hygiene. This session provided practical tips and information addressing the importance of the quality of sleep for individuals and families.

One of the highlights of the event was the participation of SERC students who took charge of providing refreshments for those who attended. Their efforts not only added a delightful touch to the morning, but also demonstrated the collaborative and supportive spirit of the college community.

Delighted with the response to the first pilot ‘Neuro Café’, Community Health Development Practitioner, Noelle Hollywood said, “We are thrilled with the success of the Neuro Café in Downpatrick. The turnout and engagement from parents, carers and service providers highlights the importance of such events in our community. The workshops and sessions were insightful and very well received.”

“The diverse range of stall holders showcased the rich tapestry of services available to support parents and carers in the Down area. From educational resources to community programmes, the event provided a comprehensive snapshot of the network of support that is available.

“It is hoped to run a ‘Neuro Café’ in the Ards and North Down area after Easter.  Details will be advertised near the time.”Neuro Café 2