28 October 2021Siobhan McCann Fund Donation to Macmillan Unit
The South Eastern Trust and Macmillan Cancer Support would like to...
27 October 2021Melanie’s involvement in the Macmillan Chemotherapy Redesign Programme Board
The South Eastern Trust and Macmillan Cancer Support would like to...
25 October 2021Swann commends military medical technicians
On Saturday afternoon, Health Minister Robin Swann visited the Ulster Hospital...
22 October 2021Trust Service Delivery Plan Winter 2021/22
This Service Delivery Plan outlines initiatives that the South Eastern Health...
18 October 2021Minister Swann opens new Cancer Care Unit at Ulster Hospital
Health Minister Robin Swann today officially opened a new £3m Cancer...
15 October 2021Boardroom Apprentice Joins South Eastern Trust
For the first time the South Eastern Health and Social Care...
13 October 2021Service of Remembrance 2021
Each year parents, friends and relatives are invited to a Service...
13 October 2021Changes to the Emergency Department, Lagan Valley Hospital
From Monday 18 October 2021, the South Eastern Trust is introducing...
05 October 2021South Eastern Trust welcomes new additions to Moat Park in Dundonald
Representatives from the South Eastern Trust were joined by Mayor Alderman...
05 October 2021Hospital Discharge – We Need Your Help
With hospitals under immense pressure and demand for acute hospital beds...