Trust Service Delivery Plan Winter 2021/22

22nd October 2021

This Service Delivery Plan outlines initiatives that the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SET) which may be required temporarily to help respond to additional demand arising from the pressures of winter 2021/2022 and a further wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic, during the period October 2021 – March 2022.

As always, the Trust remains committed to exploring every opportunity to ensure provision of safe, high quality services. There needs to be a coordinated, system wide approach to managing demand at times of escalation and management of available beds through co-ordination of decision making for limiting elective admissions across the region led by the Commissioner.

Whilst the demands of winter primarily affect acute, unscheduled secondary care services, this plan also refers to additional increased pressure that any COVID-19 surge will add to the already burdened system and any anticipated wide spread impact on other services Trust wide.

Click here to access the full plan.