Tony O’Hara has been crowned as this years ‘Picture of Health’ in a recent competition run by the South Eastern HSC Trust Health Development Department to celebrate Men’s Health Week, 12 – 18 June 2023.
Tony was nominated by his manager Yvonne Winchester who was impressed by the changes in Tony’s health, she explained, “Tony is half the size of the man he was last year, he has completely changed his health for the better and has now built his running stamina up to a 4K distance daily. It’s incredible how he has managed to keep up his regime whilst caring for his elderly parents and continuing to be a support for anyone who needs his help. Tony is a true gentleman who is always smiling and spreading positivity whilst carrying out his job role.”
Tony was delighted when he found out that he had earned this years ‘Picture of Health’ title for the dedication he has shown to his health and fitness over the past year. Tony has followed a Keto diet which involved cutting out bread, pasta, rice and any vegetables that grow below the ground from his diet. He combined his diet with running, press up’s, planks and ensuring that he walks a minimum of 12,000 steps a day, which has resulted not only in a huge weight loss, but also a fitter and happier Tony, he explained, “I made a decision to make changes to my lifestyle in July 2022, I undertook some research and felt that the Keto plan was well suited to my personality. With a background in catering, I was able to make my meals flavoursome and filling, which helped prevent me from wanting to cheat on my diet plan with unhealthy foods.
“I have really noticed the benefits to my overall physical and mental health, I have had great encouragement from my family and colleagues, but especially from my wife who adapts our daily meals to meet my dietary restrictions. I appreciate everyone’s support and belief in my ability to do this.”
Assistant Director Jeff Thompson added, “Since making changes to his lifestyle and increasing his regular exercise, Tony not only looks fantastic, but he is also bursting with even more energy and enthusiasm! He certainly is an inspiration to us all and I want to thank him for his strong leadership and contribution to continually improve our Patient Experience Services.”