Service Users Enjoy Sports Week and Raise Funds for Heart Charity

29th June 2023

Staff and service users at Lisburn Assessment and Resource Centre, which supports adult service users with learning disabilities, raised an incredible £1,403 for Children’s Heartbeat Trust.

The centre decided to host their own ‘Sports Week’ to raise funds for the Children’s Heartbeat Trust, as staff member Sophie Lyttle and her daughter Poppy have been receiving support from the charity. Everyone thought that ‘Sports Week’ would be a great way to raise funds and to have some fun while doing so!

Everyone was in high spirits during the fun-filled week with service users enjoying different activities such as target football, chair exercises, egg and spoon race and other obstacle races. All of the service users were able to participate in some type of physical activity, as staff ensured that everyone could be involved, despite their disability. The centre also had a visit from “Fitness Freddy” who was there to encourage all of the staff and service users to get involved and participate in the different activities.

After tough competition from all of the teams, by the end of the week the members of the red team won the trophy, with all participants receiving their own medal to keep, to show appreciation for their participation and efforts in raising this fantastic amount of money.

Centre Manager, Raphael Kearns commented, “I would like to give a big thanks to all of our service users for their determination and to the dedicated staff who supported them, but of course to all that donated to support the charity.”