Staff Covid-19 Wellbeing Survey

12th November 2020

Many health and social care organisations in Northern Ireland are cooperating on a study that seeks to find out how staff are doing and what supports are helpful and what would be helpful during this pandemic. The South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust is part of this cooperation.  You can participate by completing the HSCNI Covid-19 Staff Wellbeing Survey.

The survey is open to all staff working for health and social care employers in Northern Ireland including those working directly with patients (e.g. doctors, nurses) and those working in support roles (e.g. driver, administrators).

If you would like to give your views, please take part at:

Survey closing date: 22nd November 2020

Your input will help us greatly in our efforts to support the wellbeing of those staff affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

More information on the survey is available on the IMPACT Research Centre website: